Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Maybe this wasn't such good idea after all...

It's Tuesday, 13th Oct, 2009.

36 hours ago, my esteemed colleague, Giles, and I decided to do our bit for Charities week.

On the off chance that anybody who doesn't know me is reading this, Giles & I both work for John Lewis in their IT department, specifically the Applications Support Group. But then again, if you don't know us, then us working in ASG isn't going to mean a lot to you...

Anyway. Every year our Head Office chooses a charity to support - this year it's the Alzheimer's Society - and people pitch in and do 'stuff'.

Now Giles and I aren't what you'd call svelte.
Giles and I aren't what you'd call big-boned.
We're both a right pair of porkers!

So on a whim yesterday morning, we thought 'Let's give up sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks etc for a month, for Charity.'

It seemed like a good idea at the time...

We started at 10.00am yesterday, and to stop us backing out, we emailed the entire department, and a few other departments too, looking for sponsorship.

"We won't eat any sweets, chocolate, pastries or fizzy drinks (including alcohol) for the next thirty three days, and you give us money."

Now some of you may be thinking 'Ok - you're going on a diet, which it sounds like you need to do anyway - where's the hardship in that?'

Let me explain something. When Giles buys half a dozen doughnuts at the supermarket, he has to buy another half a dozen so that there are some left when he gets home.

And me? I like chocolate. You probably like chocolate too. But I 'like' it in much the same way I 'like' breathing.

We drink Pepsi & Lucozade in industrial quantities.

This is going to be difficult.

It's reflected in the fact that the first two comments we got were: 'It's your wives I feel sorry for.'

It's Tuesday night.

Through people's generosity, we've already been pledged £380.

Two days down.
Thirty-one days to go.

Can we do it?

Watch this space...

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