Friday, October 23, 2009

The Baby Hippo in the room.

When we started this vow of abstinence, I was happy enough to do it just on the basis of raising money for charity. I mean its not like cutting these things out of my diet was going to effect me my health and weight overly much.

Then David starts to go on about how he's wasting away, and people start to ask me whether I'd weighed myself recently?

"No" I say "I'm doing it for charity, not to lose weight".

I probably sounded a little hurt when I say this, lets be honest if you ask whether I've lost weight, what your really saying is

"Giles, you need to lose weight!, have you lost any?"

or less politely

"Giles you're fat, you need to lose weight!, have you lost any?"

So yes up until now I've resisted weighing myself, because I'm not fat. I would however admit I do have a bit of a spare tyre (admittedly one which would fit a 18 wheeler truck) and if I understand it correctly my BMI (Body Mass Index) is the same as a baby hippo's, albeit one with a minor weight problem.

Anyway, yesterday I was chatting with my parents (OK, OK, yes I admit it I was fishing for sympathy) telling them about the horrendous ordeal David and I were putting ourselves through; in response my mother said she'd been wondering whether I'd lost weight.

Actually, she's my mother she doesn't muck around worrying about things like hurting her children’s feelings. I believe her comments "were good, I can see you've lost some weight, you're to young to be so fat [1].

Anyway, when we got home I weigh myself. Apparently, I've lost just over 7 lbs. since this whole business started. So while my BMI still equates to a baby hippo, its probably a healthy streamlined one with a hippo mother who is concerned it's not eating enough river weeds - Apparently hippos are naturally big boned, and rarely if ever eat chocolate, pastries or fizzy pop. Personally, I find this a bit hard to believe. I mean just how many calories are there in river weeds, I have my suspicions they just stuff themselves with mars bars and full fat coke when no one is looking.

The problem with this, is now I know I've lost weight. Ok, I'll be honest, I do need to lose weight [2]. Giving up chocolate, pastries and fizz was supposed to be all about raising money for charity, but now its readily apparent just how big a part they all play in my weight gain, this is a just a tad bit depressing.

I guess I’ll have to think about what I'm going to do when this is all over and whether this should be the kick start to trying to lose a bit more weight.

Well, 22 days left and £830 cash raised so far.

[1] I should point out this was after she had offered me a slice of jam roll, sponge fingers, crisps, all within five minutes of walking through the door, so yes she’s brutally honest, but extremely loving with it. She's also the same woman who worries I'm not eating properly/overdoing it, when I'm on a diet or health kick of any sort.

[2] If you feel any remorse for the pain and mental anguish that statement just gave me, then feel free to go to our Just Giving page at
This site allows you to donate via plastic, and use Gift Aid facility so the Alzheimer’s Society can claim tax back on your donations.

So go throw money at it and salve your conscience. Remember, I’ve probably just emotionally crippled myself so you could amuse yourself reading our blog, that’s got to be worth at least an extra tenner.

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