Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's antisocial, this dieting malarkey...

Late Sat 17th / early Sun 18th Oct

I had a rehearsal with my old band on Wednesday night. Great to see them all again, but then once we'd finished up, somebody said "Shall we go to the pub for a quick drink?".
Now I don't drink anyway, hence, when somebody said on Monday "Does this abstinence thing include alcohol?", I said "Yes" with unseemly haste. Well it didn't bother me! (Fortunately Giles took it on the chin when he found out that the goalposts had just moved.)
But being a non-drinker means that the vast majority of the typical pub's wares are off-limits to me. And it usually leaves me with a small-ish selection of fizzy concoctions (all of which are currently banned), plus a few fruit-based drinks, as Al Murray might say, which are basically fizzy drinks without the fizz.

I ended up having a pint of tap water, on the rocks.

And tonight we've just come back home from having been out at a restaurant for a friend's 40th birthday. It all went well, until the dessert.

We'd said 'no pastries', but I looked down the dessert list and thought "I need to obey the spirit of the law as well as the letter of the law", and so if someone had found out that I'd justified a large trifle and cream because "it wasn't a doughnut", well I think that would be a little unfair.

And so I sat there, watching all these delicious looking chocolate confections, ice creams and puddings arriving on the table.

"You not having anything?"

"No thanks." I said, and explained about the sponsorship thing.

"Shame..." said the birthday boy, through a mouthful of chocolate cake.

"...because this is great!"

Only another 27 days to go...

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