Monday, October 19, 2009

It was all going so well...

Marathon runners talk about 'the wall'. It's that point, at about 20 miles into a race, where the body has used up it's store of glycogen, and suddenly they get hit by massive fatigue, muscle cramps and dehydration.

No, I haven't been running a marathon.

But last week, this no-sweets thing all seemed to be going remarkably well. Sure, I missed Pepsi, and I'd crave the odd bar of chocolate, but other than a thumping headache on Thursday, it had all been fairly easy.

Then I got up this morning feeling like death warmed up. I ached. I had no energy. I just wanted to drag myself back to the comfort of a warm duvet and go back to sleep.

Fair enough, I feel like that most Monday mornings, but this was worse.
Much, much worse.

I dragged myself through the day, surviving on Ribena and granola bars that look like they're made out of bird food (though certain persons reckon I shouldn't be allowed to eat them - it's a diet, not a hunger strike!!) and I'm now about to collapse into bed.

On the upside, our pledges passed the £600 mark today (HUGE thank you to everyone who's promised us money), and we also set up a Just Giving page, which will allow people to donate via plastic, and also lets people use the Gift Aid facility whereby the Alzeimer's Society can claim tax back on people's donations.

You can find our page at:

I can hear my bed calling me...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for not just doing this for charity but making sure we can all enjoy reading about it. I may have to increase my sponsorship to include a donation for each blog post to keep the interest going!
