Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I shall rise above the scurrilous accusations. He's thinner, healthier, less twitchy, and what thanks do I get?


Anyway. 3 days to go. 56 hours and two minutes to be precise, but who's counting?

Well I am, for one!

So we're well in to Charities week at work now, and there are various other things going on. So what do I get nominated to run? The Cake stall! Had to spend a couple of hours surrounded by chocolate cake, sponge cake, almond slices, fairy cakes and Ben's special Frosties-marshmallows-and-melted-Mars-Bar cakes. It was murder.

And clearly my lack of sugar has affected my gaming skills. There was a MarioKart charity comp running alongside the stall. Now not so long ago, due to rather too much time spent playing games, I would have stomped anyone at MK. Sadly, yesterday I could only scrape into the top 10 in the time trial. At No. 10.

Clearly I'm not mis-spending my youth properly.

The other thing I'm not doing is losing weight. I seem to have levelled off for the last few weeks, so my good friend Matt offered to be my personal trainer. This seemed to consist of him emailing me from the safety of his office in Chelsea, saying 'Climb more stairs you fat porker!'

So (only 4 weeks after Giles started), I have begun eschewing the lifts in 171, and taking the stairs. Yesterday alone, I estimate that if you added up all the floors I walked up, I would have reached THE MOON!

This has had the added benefit of convincing me that my lack of weight loss is down to all the fat in my body being converted directly into muscle. In fact, as muscle weighs more than fat, I'm expecting to put on weight in the name of healthy living.

Finally, a huge thank you to Stephen, who's astoundingly generous donation has put us over the £1000 mark.

In fact, thanks to some other recent donations, plus Amy's 'I'll pay you for writing this rubbish blog', we're very, very close to £1100. STOP PRESS! Amy's just taken leave of her senses and presented us with a very large Blog cheque indeed. We are speechless! Thank you, Amy! £1250 here we come.

So thank you all.

We've just started discussing what we might do next year.

I'm voting for the 'Eating a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts every day for a month' challenge.

Other suggestions are welcome...

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